another day in existence

Let it face itself
And all that it is to horror in;
To not from broken, burnt remains build anew,
To create what isn't to be by that grand;
Craft exquisite ecstasy from the merry soul
And not that shell ravage all harsh:

By the embrace of serenity,
And all that I am;
Not restore my status quo;
But with wise guile find
What surely is there to achieve,
And to be held:

This astray vessel changes not course,
Nor path,
Nor goal;
This scattered unit goes down together
with the envision of searing,
clearing hellfire of learning:

I relish not in hatred,
Nor rage,
Nor terror,
Nor love,
Nor any overly consuming,
Destructive passion of the heart:

It is my faith,
Faith is my shield;
It is my knowledge,
Knowledge is my weapon;
It is my heart,
And the heart governs:

So as It and I is one;
I and It stand alone;
It and I love,
And hate,
One another;
I and It set their own traps;
And triggers their own:

By the grace of all I know,
Make me whimper in agony;
Make me float in delight;
Dogs of war are It and I:
Flexible and cowardly,
Strong and unloyal,
Greedy yet spartan;
Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!


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