limerick hehe

blev lite uttråkad, så jag tränade på att skriva en limerick inför svenskan (fast jag skrev på engelska, orka svenska >.<)...

Once there was a boored man in a room
whom felt the feeling of impending doom,
so he went of into outer space
where no one could him trace,
and made himself a costume.

And once he was done with his quest
he found what he never would have guessed,
a box with a disguise
and "what the fuck!" he cries,
as he could have used all that time to rest.

So with "massive failure" in his head
and a outfit made out of bread,
he went back home
to the city of rome,
to find out nobody of him had read.

So all the bread he ate
and cursed his bestowed fate,
that he'd done all for none
and the fight was already won,
but then some random bloke set him straight.

"Yes of you we've heard" he spoke
"you're the one who didn't get the joke!",
"you're as dumb as a swine
would you care to dine?",
he said taking a smoke.

And since they both were gay
and much to the pope's dismay,
they made love in the street
not very discrete,
with the crowd shouting "hurray!"

And on the happy day they got wedd
a big bunch of people their blood shed,
so I guess the day wasn't happy at all
there was actually a rather big brawl,
but who cares about that, lets continue instead!

A passerby who saw the entire thing
of happiness started to sing,
as the story he sold
to the media for a lot of gold,
"to much for him!"
 said the king.

So the money they stole
and he was taken out for a stroll,
and behind a barn got shot
for treason and the lot,
which was this story's goal.


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